Best Advice: Douglas McCoy, House of POp

Douglas McCoy, salon owner, educator and artist has grown his reputation exponentially over the course of the last year – in large measure, we would guess, by living the advice he has to offer in today's Best Advice video series. 

Wherever you are in the life cycle of your professional journey, Douglas' advice to make "quality" a cornerstone in making choices in all aspects of career and life is sure to be relevant. Perhaps most important is his realization that with so many options available to us in every part of our careers, business and life, the ability to develop a discerning “eye” is what often separates those who succeed from the rest. 

Watch the video to get the full story from Douglas and be sure to check the entire American Salon Best Advice series video playlist online.

About: Gordon is Senior Director of Digital at American Salon where he works with the entire editorial team as well as with the considerable resources of parent company Questex to bring you stories, resources and more, 24/7.

Gordon can be found online at or as @gordnm on Instagram. In real-time, you can find Gordon at major beauty events where he often teaches classes on business and career development as well as best practices in digital and social media.  Email Gordon at [email protected].