How to Set Goals in Your Salon in 2020

With the start of a new year everyone suddenly wants to create a laundry list of goals to accomplish. Whether your goals are personal or professional, committing to the task is the hardest part. If you as an owner have ever set a list of goals to accomplish and then didn’t follow through, please call yourself out in your own head. Talking about them is one thing but doing is the real magic. Look at how things have progressed for your over the last two to three years and see what's working. You also need to look at what isn’t working. Did you ever have a salon walkout? Are your struggling to generate new clients? Whatever challenges you may have had in the past, now is the time to commit and set a clear path to success. Much of what you are looking for is right in your head. You probably have great ideas that you always wanted to implement, now it's time to follow through with the goals that will contribute to your business long term.