Paul Mitchell Schools Aim to Raise $100,000 for Haiti

In response to the earthquake that has devastated Haiti, Paul Mitchell Schools Dean and Cofounder Winn Claybaugh has called on every school in the network to join together in a fundraising initiative with a goal of $1,000 per school -- with 100 participating schools, that's a total of $100,000 for the American Red Cross's Haiti Relief and Development Fund and other organizations supporting the relief effort.

pm-bottleThroughout this month, Paul Mitchell Schools across the country will hold "Casual for a Cause" days where staff members and Future Professionals can donate money in return for wearing casual clothing for the day. Schools will also have paper bottles that friends, family and guests can buy with a donation. The bottles will be displayed around the schools to raise awareness and recognize the donors. Individual schools are planning other activities as well, and John Paul Mitchell Systems has pledged up to $10,000 in matching funds.

 “I’ve often heard people say, ‘Somebody should do something,’” Claybaugh said. “Well, YOU are that somebody. I challenge every family, individual, business, salon, and other organization to do something similar, whether it’s recruiting three friends, 20 teammates or hundreds of employees to get organized, active and involved. You CAN make a difference, and I hope that you will!”


Claybaugh posted this message on YouTube about Paul Mitchell Schools' Haiti relief fundraising campaign:



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