Sam's Playlist - Hair Cutting Foundations Part 3: Finger Angle

If you have been following our Foundations of Hair Cutting series, you should now be familiar with the following foundations:

  • Elevation – the ‘up and down’ movement in the hair – controls the vertical aspect of out silhouette
  • Over Direction – the ‘front to back, side to side’ movement in the hair – controls the horizontal aspect of our silhouette
Now that we have established our elevation and over direction, we need to establish what our finger angle is going to be within our sections.  This is extremely important as finger angles create depth in our shapes; they can even cause mistakes in the haircut when not understood.
Finger angle is often confusing to some and comes very natural to others.  Some of you can tell right away the angle in which the fingers were held in creating the shape of a cut.  For those who don't understand how your finger angle can affect the shape of your haircuts, you're going to love this video!
Below is some of what you'll learn by watching the video:
  • When working in horizontal sections – finger angle influences the horizontal aspect of the silhouette
  • When working in vertical sections – finger angle influences the vertical aspect of the silhouette
  • Parallel vs. perpendicular
After watching this segment, you will have learned the three hair cutting foundations that will affect the final outcome of your haircuts.  You have the ability to apply these foundations to any hair cut and for any guest.  Apply what you have learned to retain the knowledge of the process and the techniques will come completely natural to you.
About: Sam Villa is founding partner of the Sam Villa brand (Allvus, LLC), designed to bring “More Sam to More People.”  The educational world of this Favorite Platform Artist and Educator (2012, 2011 and 2007), Favorite Overall Educator of the Year (2015) and Education Artistic Director for Redken 5th Avenue, can be experienced on