How-To: Dutch Braid

Putting hair up and getting it to stay while looking free and loose can sometimes be a challenge. Here are some tips on creating an updo style with a dutch braid, and a hair form for added volume. Using braids can be a great way to create security and leave visual movement and texture! Check out this easy-to-create look using a dutch braid.

About: Roche specializes in design/finishing trends and business – she’s as captivating in front of thousands as she is in an intimate in-salon setting.  She is the winner of multiple North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA) awards and has contributed to Milady’s Standard Textbook of Cosmetology.  Stylists from around the world learn, grow and fuel their creative fire with her.  She is an established celebrity stylist (Anne Hathaway, Claire Danes, Amy Adams, Pink, Jenna Fischer, Mariah Carey…) and maintains a loyal clientele at Cutler Salon in NYC.