David Thurston Discusses Salon Energy

Positive and negative energies are contagious - like viruses. When you arrive at the salon full of positive energy, you infect those you come in contact with, and they in turn infect others. You’re responsible for the energy at your salon… you have the ability, by yourself, to create an upward spiral of positivity, or be a wrecking ball of negativity.

Stylists: If you want to work at a salon with positive energy, don’t just passively wait for the salon to have positive energy… take responsibility yourself.

Try to arrive at the salon already radiating positivity. Eating well, exercise, and actually writing a plan for your day (instead of just reacting to others) is helpful. Also, during your commute, try saying all of the things you are grateful for outloud.

When you get to the salon, don’t complain about traffic or weather, because negative language brings negative energy. Throughout the day, try to catch yourself using negative language and make adjustments.

Now that you’re in a positive mindset, purposefully infect others with positivity. Occasionally do things like picking up a coffee for your receptionist, and make sure you give genuine compliments to others every day.

Salon Owners: If you’re a good salon owner, you won’t finger point either, but instead you’ll take responsibility for your salon’s energy. I suggest a strategy of boldly encouraging positive energy, tolerating neutral energy, and terminating the sources of negative energy.

Stylists and salon owners… rather than complaining about the energy in your salon… take responsibility… start with your self… then infect others… and watch the positivity ripple throughout the salon.

- David at Butterfly Loft

About: David Thurston is the founder of Butterfly Loft salon and Ubungalows Luxury Salon Suites, that combined make up a 10,000 square foot salon and spa located in Los Angeles, California.  He is also the founder of Butterfly Circus, a touring education team made up of some of the most recognizable stylists in the world, who collaborate to put on large hair shows.  David is also the co-founder of Butterfly Loft Academy, a hands-on education company that teaches the latest Balayage, color melt, and vivid/pastel coloring techniques. Follow Butterfly Loft on Instagram.