Social Beauty: Nina Kovner Discusses the Art of Engagement

When we think social, many times we are thinking platform, likes, and followers. But in reality, if you really want to “master” the art of social, begin by thinking engagement. 

What does engagement mean? In the context of the social web, it means people are actually listening, responding and connecting—a relationship is being built. 

Get engaged. We can talk all we want, we can even scream, use ALL CAPS, spam our content onto others pages, tag excessively and post in random groups. But, at the end of the day, all that energy is most often for nothing. Creating engaging social pages takes more finesse; it’s both an art and a science—much like hair cutting and coloring. When creating or evaluating your social pages, ask yourself these three questions: 

1. Do you know the audience you are communicating with?
2. Do you understand their problems and desires?
3. Are you committed to consistently creating and posting content that matters to them, along with responding and replying to comments and questions?

People engage with brands and stories that resonate with them. So in order to be engaging, we need to start with what matters to our followers. Engagement can lead to relationships—meaningful and relevant ones. Those relationships could possibly, if done well, lead to referrals, and we all know what that can lead to… revenue! In my next column, I will share six ways to create engaging content. So you all have some homework to do. #toughlove 

Nina Kovner, a beauty industry veteran, is the “Chief Awesomeness Empowerer” at Passion Squared, her company that empowers business owners and artists. To connect with Nina, visit, Instagram @passionsquared, Twitter@passionsquared2 and Facebook