Story of Us, 1930-1940: Window Dressing

Do your windows attract passersby? Display experts agree that the average person spends only four seconds looking at a window. In that time, the display either succeeds or fails. Salon owners of the decade were aware of a window display’s power. Presenting products prominently and attractively in a shop front served as a billboard, driving in foot traffic. They tried to make those four seconds count by taking the following into consideration:

  • Size Considering the size of the window was essential. Small windows weren’t dominated by large placards or dummy products. Large ones weren’t filled up with lots of small items unless balanced with larger items. Everything displayed had a purpose. 
  • Color Women of this decadewere drawn to delicate, feminine colors. Backdrops and bases made of crepe paper and colorful patterns were all the rage.
  • Seasonality Products and colors displayed had a seasonal appeal. The colors, shapes and themes of each season were taken into account.