Get Glowing Skin With CBD-Infused Serum

HempBeauty, the innovative professional beauty company specializing in high-quality CBD-enhanced products, introduces HempBeauty Glow-Up Face Serum. The luxurious and effective serum contains a powerful combination of the highest quality CBD oil, retinol, Vitamins E and C that reduce the signs of aging while adding a beautiful, radiant and healthy glow to skin.

HempBeauty Glow-Up Face Serum key ingredient benefits include:

CBD (150 MG) has anti-inflammatory properties that may help improve tone, texture and signs of aging, antioxidant properties that may help reduce free radicals and minimize damage caused by oxidation as well as anti-aging properties, for a more youthful and radiant skin.

Retinol stimulates the production of new skin cells, may help fade dark spots and hyperpigmentation, tightens skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines.

Vitamin C boosts skin’s collagen production for firmer, plumper skin while also smoothing fine lines and wrinkles.