Safe Hair-Lightening Services for Your Clients This Summer

As summer approaches, many clients are on the lookout for hair-lightening products or treatments to achieve that coveted sun-kissed, bright, and beachy look. However, some clients may opt out of professional treatments and turn to alternative options found in stores.

We consulted with Blonding Specialist Kristeena Van Cleave (@thatrebelstylist), co-owner of Blonde Culture Salon, for her expert advice on how to deal with clients who would rather avoid lightening treatments during the summer season. "The best solution for those who don’t want to use traditional lighteners to achieve highlights over their natural hair would be to have a hair stylist use professional ammonia-free color to lift the hair without bleach or damage. This can be done with specific placements that will allow for seamless a grow out, with minimal maintenance,” she said. Alternatively, natural sunlight can cause some lightening of the hair, but excessive exposure to the sun can also cause damage to the hair, said Van Cleave.

Using DIY hair-lightening products can cause severe damage to the hair by opening the cuticles and leaving it dry and brittle if used incorrectly. These products can also cause adverse reactions during future hair services. Stylists, it is crucial to educate clients on the potential risks.

If clients have used at-home lightening products, it is important to conduct strand tests before proceeding with any professional lighting services. Kristeena recommends using a baby light technique to create subtle sun-kissed dimensions, as well as balayage techniques. There’s also a new way to lighten your blonde clients without using any bleach. “There is a product called Albage Platinum Programming, which lightens the hair without any damage whatsoever. It’s not a bleach, but a new Bioprogramming technology sweeping the hair industry. “ This Platinum programming can be found at

Educating your clients during the summer season is incredibly important as it shows them that you care about their hair and want to ensure they feel confident and comfortable throughout their treatments. Building a foundation of trust and honesty is the key to keeping your clients coming back again and again.

About Kristeena Van Cleave:

Kristeena has been in the industry since 2009 and has been specializing in blonding since 2019. She loves all hair colors, but she has a true passion for lightening hair services. Kristeena’s goal is to help her clients achieve their hair goals in the safest and healthiest way. Educating other stylists within the industry is another passion. Kristeena will be teaching at IBS Las Vegas 2023 with her business partner Erica Six (@erica6style)! They’ll be hosting 4 sessions: A Guide to Healthy Modern Blonding, Modern, Teasy Light Placement with Purpose, and Navigating Blonding Obstacles. For more information, head to