PBA's Final 2013 Regional Salon Summit Series


The Professional Beauty Association (PBA) recently developed a one-day Regional Salon Summit (RSS) held across the U.S. and open to the public, not limited to PBA members. The first RSS was held in April in Minneapolis, MN followed by their second event in Las Vegas during the 2013 Beauty Week event with beauty professionals from both the U.S. and Canada. Their final event will take place at their former headquarters, Essential Salon Products early September.

The Regional Salon Summit Series will hold multiple seminars hosted by industry leaders and consultants to educate salon owners and beauty professionals through marketing strategies, staff development, business management and government affairs. Attendees will learn from one another through discussing common interests and business strategies. The core sessions include: Social Media and Salon Business by Kelly Ehlers, social and mobile media expert, Leadership in the Age of TOO presented by Tom Kun, industry leader, coach, adviser and artist, Get Real About Your Business and Bottom Line by business industry expert Julie Piantadosi and PBA Government Affairs Panel hosted by PBA Government Affairs. To register for the Final 2013 Regional Salon Summit Series taking place on September 9th, go to probeauty.org/salonsummit – C.G.