Publisher's Note: Cheers!

December means salon appointment books brimming to capacity, last-minute holiday shopping, sending out greeting cards, decorating the storefront from top to bottom, and last but certainly not least, ringing in the season at your salon’s annual holiday party. With that in mind, I’ve sourced some dos and don’ts from etiquette experts that will help you enjoy the festivities and make them a little less stressful.

  • Time Matters: You’ll have plenty of other opportunities to be fashionably late at friends’ soirees, but the salon holiday party is a work-related event so be punctual.
  • What Not To Wear: If the attire calls for formal or cocktail attire, don’t show up in jeans. Dress the part so you look professional.
  • The Guest List: If your children, spouse or significant other didn’t receive an invite, don’t bring them. It’s awkward for everyone.
  • Look Who’s Talking: Circulate and strike up a conversation with everyone, not just your boss. Make small talk, ask questions and make it a point to listen more than you speak. For example, asking “What are your plans for the holidays?” will generate a far more lengthy response than “Are you traveling for the holidays?”
  • Bring Your A-Game: Rather than viewing the party as mandatory, see it as an opportunity to connect with people you don’t interact as closely with on a daily basis in the salon. You may be surprised by how much you actually enjoy yourself.
  • Avoid Gossiping: This is unsatisfactory etiquette in any setting but it’s especially in poor taste at the office party. A conversation in a group setting is easily overheard.
  • Think Before Speaking: Avoid saying anything you may regret post-party. In the days after the party, you’ll still be sharing the same coffee pot with your co-workers.
  • Put Some Thought Into Gift-Giving: If your workplace exchanges gifts in traditional Secret Santa fashion, make the extra effort to get to know the co-worker you’re buying for a little better. Does he or she enjoy wine tasting? Fancy designer fashions? Does he or she have a long commute? Mountain bike on weekends? All of these are clues to finding an appropriate, on-budget gift.
  • Drink in Moderation: The company party is not the best place to let down your hair and get rip-roaring drunk.
  • Avoid Embarrassing Situations: What happens at the party stays on Facebook. It’s imperative to keep your behavior consistent with what you’d want anyone to stumble upon on the Internet.

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday! ✂ —Brett Vinovich, Publisher, [email protected].