Voices That Matter with Eva Scrivo

This week on Voices That Matter, David Stanko talks to Eva Scrivo, a highly acclaimed hair and makeup artist, who is regarded as one of today’s foremost authorities on beauty. She is the award-winning author of Eva Scrivo on Beauty: The Tools, Techniques, and Insider Knowledge Every Woman Needs to Be Her Most Beautiful, Confident Self (Atria Books), owner of two eponymous salons in New York City, as well as a television and radio personality.


About: A haircolor consultant for Redken 5th Avenue, spokesperson for haircolor - and NYC based salon colorist at the new LICARI-CUTLER NYC Salon on 5th & 54th Street.  David Stanko has developed, evaluated, launched and taught professional haircolor all around the world.  He is an author, DVD star and ambassador for haircolor - the demand for his signature classes has increased.  Attendance at his in-salon, distributor-related and international appearances are at an all-time high.