An Easy Way to Stay Calm During Trying Times

Being a stylist or salon owner in 2020 has definitely been a challenge. With all of the changes regarding if/when we can return to work and with all the new rules and regulations, it’s enough to drive anyone completely crazy.

Luckily there are ways to help us work through the chaos, and one of the most important strategies is self-care. Just as we work to strengthen and exercise our bodies to keep in shape, we must also pay equal attention to nurturing our mental health. It’s something that must be properly attended to each and every day. We all make a living by making others feel better, but in order to do this effectively, we must first take care of ourselves. 

One way to take better care of ourselves is to be mindful and conscious of our own needs to desires. Mindfulness refers to focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while accepting and recognizing our personal thoughts and feelings. In a way, I believe this is the key to a good life. Although it’s tough sometimes, staying present while honoring your feelings is critical. It’s easy to get distracted and off-center, especially with the unprecedented stressors we’ve had this year. Although you may be tempted to try and bulldoze through each day, you should try to achieve a level of acceptance of what’s happening around us. And, acceptance doesn’t mean inaction. We must take healthy actions each day. It’s up to us to decide what we focus our energy on, and what actions we take. 

So how do you become more mindful? Meditation is a terrific tool, and it doesn’t have to involve an expensive course study. Just learning a simple breathing technique or two will get you on your way to a calmer and more comfortable state. One thing to try is sitting still and just breathing—even if only for a few minutes. Acknowledge the feelings and thoughts that arise, and then simply go back to your breathing. It’s kind of a metaphor for life; whatever you experience during the day, just breathe. Breathing allows us to learn to stay present in the moment. With online learning, it’s easy to explore different techniques for meditation and breathing. There are very simple tutorial videos that can show you how to master the process.

In addition to meditation, yoga, tai chi, other forms of exercise may help you to achieve a sense of calm and acceptance. Maybe it’s a walk on the beach or another form of exercise. Whatever keeps you calm in our current state of affairs is a good choice. Before you know it, this challenging year will be over. Until then, remember that taking care of yourself first is of utmost importance.