A Skincare Expert Shares Her Skin Resolutions for the New Year

There's no better time to kickstart a new routine than the start of a new year. With 2021 upon us, skincare expert Vicki Morav shares attainable skincare resolutions to tackle this year for healthy, glowing skin. From penciling in a monthly facial to consistent cleansing and protecting your skin, Morav's skincare resolutions will help you achieve your 'New Year, New You' goal.

"This year and always, taking care of your skin is essential," Morav says. "Practice self-care and be kind to your body with constant movement, detoxification, and replenishment. A new year is the perfect time to change old habits and treat our skin properly."

  1. Drink more water: Drinking water is essential for detoxification, regulated lymph flow as well as movement in the liver, spleen, kidney and colon. Everything benefits from ingesting lots of fluids! 
  2. Apply a daily SPF: SPF is important for protecting the skin from sun rays. In the New Year, be sure to apply an SPF every morning for anti-aging benefits. 25-30 SPF is recommended in the winter, and in the summer it's necessary to bump it up to 40-50 SPF if you're exposed to the sun.
  3. Remove your makeup every night: Although it's tedious at times, removing makeup at night is a necessary step after a long day. The skin needs to be cleaned and nourished properly before applying your nighttime skincare products to allow absorption overnight. Going to bed with oxidized makeup from the day is harmful to your pores and complexion. 
  4. Exfoliate weekly:  Set a goal to exfoliate up to three imes per week. Although every individual has a unique chemistry and composition, one must find a balance between exfoliating and replenishing the skin which will help lighten dark spots, unclog pores and give the skin a more youthful look. 
  5. Routine facials: Last but not least, scheduling routine facials is a critical step in any skincare routine. Monthly facials and treatments clean the skin, providing a clean base for the absorption of daily ingredients. 


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